doTERRA Business 101

Many direct sales companies require you to purchase expensive business packages and raise your costs with success. This is why so many people are scared when someone talks about this type of business. doTERRA makes it simple. No business packages and no increased costs over time. They also pay you each week and again once a month to help you keep your income steady. Why is it different? doTERRA is an essential oils company and you are an independent distributer of essential oils. Many other companies are business building companies where the focus isn't on the product but on bringing people "into the business."

At any time, if you decide this isn't right for you, there are no penalties. Here is a basic overview of what it's like to make money selling essential oils with doTERRA:


In order to get a paycheck, you must be a Wellness Advocate and have a 100 pv (point value) Loyalty Rewards Order each month. If you don't, nothing happens to your account, you just won't get paid. This is your personal order, so what you purchase is up to you. You are free to re-sell your products above wholesale cost. To become a Wellness Advocate, just click the button "Become a Wellness Advocate" when you log in to your account and enter your social security number. Then when it's time to get someone an account, click the "Enroll a Wellness Advocate" button and follow the prompts to enter their information. Contact your business coach when this happens so they can walk you through it. 

Retail Sales

Anytime a customer purchases from your complimentary doTERRA website, you receive 25% of the pv on your monthly commissions paycheck. These are paid between the 15-20th of each month. Retail purchases make up a very small percentage of your total pay and is the least valuable option for your customers since they are paying 25% more for their products without any shipping rebate.

Fast Start Bonus

When you enroll a Wholesale Customer or Wellness Advocate, you receive 20% of their purchases during their first 60 days. These are paid weekly and are initially the largest portion of your monthly pay. When you have others on your team enrolling Wholesale Customers, you can get a percentage of their sales as well. 


Power of 3 bonus

You will be building teams of essential oil users and will get paid for doing it. doTERRA recognizes that structuring your business into teams can seem confusing. In order to simplify this step, they reward Wellness Advocates with a Power of 3 bonus paid each month. This is a $50, $250, or $1500 monthly bonus payment. Learn more about the Power of 3 structuring plan here and let your business coach review it with you in more detail. 

Unilevel commissions

After your customer has extended beyond their first 60 days, you start receiving commissions on their future purchases. These percentages are less than Fast Starts (since you won't be spending so much time with customers after their first 60 days) but they make up the majority of your paychecks as your business grows. doTERRA increased the payouts of most direct sales companies by paying you a higher percentage on the largest portion of your business. You are paid monthly on commissions. Other bonuses also apply as your business grows, including a monthly share for anyone building qualifying teams. Bonuses increase with rank and are included in your monthly unilevel paycheck. Here is another great video explaining doTERRA's commissions plan.


How we do it

Most Wellness Advocates on our team choose to meet with potential customers in one on one appointments. We find these to be the most manageable from a time and ease perspective. They take about 40 minutes and are done in person or over the phone or video calls. Just ask the potential customer to give you their top health goals, then review the basic oils and how they would help their concerns (using an essential oil book for reference), then make a recommendation of a starter kit. All new customers receive a free 7 part oil education series to learn more, so the initial appointment is just focused on their immediate goals and choosing the best kit. Some people enjoy hosting classes with 5-10 people and do well this way. Once you have met with a few people, we operate on customer referrals. It's all in our free team training. 


Free business account. In order to get started, you must upgrade your account to a Wellness Advocate (you are currently a Wholesale Customer). Just click the "Become a Wellness Advocate" button when you log into your Wholesale Account and enter your social security number, this is free and will include a free website for you to use. Once you upgrade, when you log into your doTERRA account, you can see your "Back Office." This is where you view your customer information, orders, team progress, bonuses and payments. 

Other costs. Our team and doTERRA offer free printable resources to keep your costs to a minimum. Most people run their business with the Top 10 essential oils from the basic kits, fractionated coconut oil, a diffuser, and a book. doTERRA offers a Class in a Box for $25 for those who want to skip printing. We often choose to provide basic guides to new customers (like this one), but there are also free options available online. If you choose to travel to trainings, there are costs to you but these are optional. 

Receiving checks. doTERRA will send you a check or direct deposit into your back account, it's up to you. You get Fast Start checks each week for new business and Unilevel Commissions each month. 

Taxes. doTERRA will send you a 1099 tax form at the end of the tax year that you can report on your own taxes. 

Have more questions? You can view doTERRAs full policy manual here

Next Steps

If you decide that this is the right business for you, the next step is to talk to the person who enrolled you (your business coach) so we can answer your questions and get you started. Our team has a full training program that includes more details than provided here. We offer a simple sales training program, monthly team trainings online, on going text message support, weekly check-in call options, customer education programs, customer support groups, and customer incentives when appropriate. There are also options to travel to larger training programs if you choose. Our team focus is providing exceptional customer experiences with integrity and compassion. We look forward to working with you! 

If you decide you would rather just share oils casually, here is a booklet to help. 

Want to hear it one more time? Here's another compensation overview for visual and audio learners.